Professional Scrum Developer (PSD)

Practices for Scrum Teams to Frequently Deliver Quality Software

Professional Scrum DeveloperTM (PSD) is a 3-day hands-on course where you will experience how to deliver quality software using Scrum with Agile and DevOps practices. Students will work as a Scrum Team or multiple Scrum Teams depending on class size, creating real code on a realistic software system. The course also includes a free attempt at the globally recognized Professional Scrum Developer certification exam (PSD).

What You Will Learn

Over the 3 days, students gain a real-world view of what it is like to build software with Scrum. Throughout the course, students collaborate over a series of Sprints. They apply modern engineering practices, and use the Scrum framework to cope with changes. There is a key focus on having students learn how to develop and deliver increments of potentially releasable functionality from a realistic Product Backlog. By doing so, students will experience real-world challenges and issues and will learn how to handle them by continuously improving during the Sprint cycles.

The course teaches how Agile engineering practices and supportive DevOps tools improve a team's capabilities even more.

Upcoming Classroom Trainings

Virtual PSD

Zoom link will be emailed to participants Virtual
26-12-2020 to 27-12-2020
/ 09:00:00 am to 02:00:00 pm
Price : INR 28000 28000+Tax, Available till 27-12-2020