Announcement - We are the official 1-1-1 partner

Volunteering - 12-01-2020

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We are excited to announce that we have adopted the model of Giving back to the community in the form of 1-1-1 model. Here we pledge to give away 1% of our employees' time, 1% of our profits and 1% of our Products free of cost for the benefit of community. We are working with the multiple NGOs across India to make their volunteering efforts more effective and powerful by funding their initiatives. 

Every quarter we identify one NGO and work with them in distinguishing themselves in the field of volunteering. Our professional trainers guide the

NGO processes that makes their events more successful and increase the number of people they serve in the given limited amount of volunteering event

You can find our organisation listed on 1-1-1 page along with other esteemed organizations who have taken same pledge and are already on their path towards equality.